The Archdiocese of Cebu formally opened the year-long celebration of the quincentennial commemoration of the introduction of the faith in the country with the unveiling and blessing of jubilee crosses in all parishes. It was done after the simultaneous celebration of the Holy Mass at four o’clock in the afternoon of April 4, 2021. The Augustinian Friars of the Province of Santo Nino de Cebu-Phils, the caretakers of the oldest icon of the faith, join the whole Filipino Catholic Church in the celebration of this milestone of the country’s faith history. In front of the Basilica Minore del Santo Nino, the home of the gift of the first baptism done five hundred years ago, a jubilee cross was also unveiled and blessed on the said day.
In the decree of declaration by the Archbishop of Cebu, the special year of grace spans from April 4, 2021 until April 22, 2022.
As we fervently pray for the success of this year-long celebration amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we encourage our fellow faithful and devotees to follow all the activities. Get updated by visiting our official website ( and Facebook page ( . The copy of the decree is also made available on these platforms.